Major role in the synthesis of nucleoside triphosphates other than ATP. The ATP gamma phosphate is transferred to the NDP beta phosphate via a ping-pong mechanism, using a phosphorylated active-site intermediate. May activate MPK3 and MPK6. May be involved in the regulation of cellular redox state and hydrogen peroxide-mediated MAP kinase signaling. 231 MVGATVVSKWTPLCVASPPERNSASLNPHCSPARVNFRTALAAFRPQFRLFSRNSASRRRLRASSSAESGIFLPHLVASMEDVEETYIMVKPDGIQRGLVGEIISRFEKKGFKLIGLKMFQCPKELAEEHYKDLSAKSFFPNLIEYITSGPVVCMAWEGVGVVASARKLIGKTDPLQAEPGTIRGDLAVQTGRNIVHGSDSPENGKREIGLWFKEGELCKWDSALATWLRE NDK2_ARATH Nucleoside diphosphate kinase II, chloroplastic MDC12.28 NDPK2 At5g63310